
Natural Cycle



As part of our new arts strategy X Marks the Spot for King’s Cross we have invited Roadsworth to create a mini-city with streets, pavements and crossings, combining natural elements which can been seen in Camley Street Nature Park.

Here, children of all ages can learn how to be a confident cyclist in a safe environment. Habits learnt at young age tend to stay with us for life. If a child then chooses to use the bike not the car as their primary mode of transport the carbon savings over their lifetime can be huge. 


Just over twenty years ago, street artist Peter Gibson aka Roadsworth began taking to the streets of Montreal in the early mornings, spray-painting cyclist symbols on roads to protest the lack of bike lanes and paths in the city. As the number of Roadsworth’s arrest warrants mounted, his controversial street images turned the pavement into politics rekindling the debate about the nature of public art. After narrowly evading the Canadian penal system, Roadsworth went on to use his particular quirky and humorous approach to street design across the world, working with Cirque du Soleil, Tour de France and Banksy’s Can’s Festival. His approach of blending art and activism can be seen in his collaborations with organisations such as Greenpeace and Amnesty International.

  • X Marks the Spot is a five year are programme  curated by Clare Philips and Michael Pinsky 
  • Natural Cycle is located in Coal Drops Yard, King’s Cross N1 
  • Natural Cycle is open daily and will be in-situ until October 15th 2022