
Prêt-à-Manger reflects on the homogenisation of UK cities, where public life is packaged into predictable, themed experiences. Chain stores, like the ubiquitous sandwich shop Prêt-à-Manger, guarantee a uniform product or atmosphere, creating a landscape where few risks are taken. The film questions what in the UK psyche has driven this duplication—whether it’s the influence of urban planners or a societal desire for conformity, reliability, and reassurance.

The video captures the facades of Prêt-a-Manger, which has 256 nearly identical branches across four countries. Each scene is meticulously framed to focus on the store’s signage, maintaining a consistent visual throughout the film. As the cuts between each scene accelerate, the viewer is drawn into a dizzying rhythm where the branding dominates, rendering the surrounding streetscapes irrelevant.

Commissioned by Catalyst Arts, Belfast.


88 Gifford Street, London, N1 0DF

00 44 (0)7958 713 853

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