
Strata is an immersive tile design set within seven courtyards of a new artisan workshop complex in Fez’s medina, designed by Michel Mossessian. The pattern draws inspiration from both the ancient tradition of Moroccan tile design and the minimalist art of the 1960s. Unlike traditional tile work, which relies on repetitive motifs, Strata features a constantly evolving design. Each segment is unique, with colours and shapes shifting along both horizontal and vertical axes.

Beginning at the top of the courtyard, each façade showcases a single colour that begins to cross-pollinate as geometric shapes are increasingly divided. Diamonds morph into stars and crosses, and as the pattern develops, it mirrors the intricate geometric designs found in the Al-Attarin Madrasa located in the heart of Fez’s medina. This complexity eventually gives way to a fractal breakdown, where patterns seem identical at first glance but introduce subtle variations that suggest a virus has infiltrated the system. As if under pressure from the intricate design above, the pattern compresses progressively until reaching the basement level, where the delicate grain of the tile design is revealed, inviting closer inspection.. 


88 Gifford Street, London, N1 0DF

00 44 (0)7958 713 853

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