Bryony Graham

The Portakabin of the Found Centre in the Lost O Residency


Bryony trawled for trinkets and treasure in Ashford’s town centre for six months taking her findings back to her newly created studio in a Portakabin on the Ringway Construction Site Compound. Working alongside the construction teams, engineers, agents, tarmaccers, white liners, slot cutters, cable layers, setting out engineers and all round road builders she became immersed in their world, taking inspiration from their labour to build a new body of work from the raw materials that connect and reconnect people and place. For ‘Ring a ring a roses’ she processed soil dug up during the road building to create pure Ashford clay. The road builders then used this clay to make roses, which were shown in Ashford Borough Museum.



Picture 9




88 Gifford Street, London, N1 0DF

00 44 (0)7958 713 853

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